Finally… some confirmation on the long-rumored staircase scene that is to be added to Walt Disney World’s Haunted Mansion.
The infamous mousermerf on the forums posted this image:
Right now, just past the library scene, you ascend a staircase, passing nothing but blackness to the right of your Doom Buggy. It looks like this completely empty part of the Mansion is going to now be filled with a maze of MC Escher-like staircases facing every directions. You’ll also notice in the picture various doorways and candelabras that are upsidedown and sideways.
Further inspection of the photo reveals concept art of the floating Leota effect, a new portrait hallway, the new bride, and a photo of an expanding room gargoyle.
Also, it was noted that the red figure on the left side of the photo may be Rolly Crump’s candle man design for the original Museum of the Weird concept that ultimately morphed into the Haunted Mansion.
I have no idea where this photo originated from, but if it’s legitimitely from within WDI, I’m VERY excited to get back inside the Mansion in September when it reopens.